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Stop Think Do: Managing Behaviour (non-EPV)
Module 1: Introductions and Considerations
NB: Not an EPV Summer Course
Course Introduction
About Stop Think Do
Stop Think Do Resources
About this Course
Author, Course Writer and Publisher
Introduction to Module 1
Values of Social Skills Training
A Social Problem Solving Approach
The Average Classroom
The Role of Assessment
Special Needs Considerations
Autistic Spectrum Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome
Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Gifted Underachievers
Anxiety & Depression
Additional Insights
Pupil Personalities
Dependent Personalities
Power Personalities
Module 2: Evidence, Curriculum and School Policy
Understanding Behaviour
Making the Emotional Connection
Emotional Decision Making
Key Role of the Teacher
Approaches to Modifying Behaviour
Cognitive and Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions
Supporting the Development of Self-Control
Classroom Procedures and Strategies
The Power of Self-Talk
Emotional Intelligence
Stop, Think, Do! Evidence
Curriculum Links
Other Curriculum Links
Curricular Appropriate Approaches
Incorporating Stop Think Do into the School's code of Behaviour
Working on a Whole-School Level
Working with the Whole Class and Small Groups
Working with Individual Pupils
Stop Think Do and SSE
Module 3: Stop Think Do with 4-8 Year Olds
Stop Think Do Programme
The Role of the Teacher
Exploring Teachers' Behaviour
Managing Behaviour
Using Stop Think Do
Assessing Social Skills
Lesson Units
Stop Units
Think Units
Do Units
Adapting Content for Very Young Children
Developing a Generous Spirit
Module 4: Stop Think Do with 8-12 Year Olds
Using Stop Think Do with 8-12 Year Olds
Social Skills Development
Social Stories/Situations
Cool, Weak and Aggro Responses
Programme Lessons
Conflict Resolutions
Difficult Issues
Additional Insights
Module 5: Emotional Regulation, Peer Mediation and Parental Involvement
Emotional Regulation and Academic Success
Self-Regulation as the Key to Success
Mental Health Guidelines
Peer Mediation
Ground Rules
Peer Mediation Skills
Mediating the Stop Think Do Way
Preparing for the Role
The Mediation Process
Ongoing Support for Mediators
Stop Think Do and Parental Involvement
Involving Parents
Stop Think Do Adult Program
Improved Relations
Cognitive and Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions
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