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SALF: Self Assessment Learning Folders (non-EPV)
Course Introduction
NB: Not an EPV Summer Course
Course Introduction
Module 1: What is SALF?
Authors and Publisher
Before You Start
Examining the Assessment Continuum
Assessment as a Messaging System
A Continuum of Assessment Methods
Understanding the Continiuum
Self-Assessment in the Infant room through Aistear
Assessment in Practice
Reflecting on current practice
What are SALF Folders?
The Thinking Behind SALF
SALF: A Commercial Product?
The Building Blocks for Engaging with SALF
Questioning is Key
Developing Questioning Skills
Questioning Case Study
Developing Discussion to Identify and Review Learning Goals
Recognising and Acknowledging the Importance of an Audience
NB: Not an EPV Summer Course
Module 2: Self Assessment, Learning Strategies & Methodologies for SALF
W.A.L.T. and W.I.L.F.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
Traffic Lights
Two Stars and a Wish
K.W.L. and K.W.H.L.
Mind Mapping
3-D Mapping with Infants
Early Stage Mapping with Junior Classes
Mind-Mapping with Middle and Senior Classes
Benefits of Mind-Mapping
Further Examples of Checklists
PMI Diagrams (Plus / Minus / Interesting)
Whole Class Charts
Module 3: Ten Steps to Building SALF Folders
Getting Started with SALF
General Structure of SALF (What the Folder Looks like?)
Middle & Senior Folders
Establishing the SALF organiser
Allocating, Colour Coding and Labeling the SALF pockets
Time Management in Relation to SALF
Personalising the SALF Folder
The Name Page
The Photograph Page
The Likes Page
S.A.L.F. and the Curriculum - Selection and Justification of Work
Affirming the Child as a Learner
Child Self-Reflection on SALF
Introducing an audience at School and at Home
Introducing an audience at School
SALF in action
My experience with SALF
Skills developed when using SALF
Module 4: Further Development of Self Assessment and Learning Folders in Middle & Senior Class
My Interest Survey
Monthly Reviews
SALF in Action
Project Work, Inventions, Creations, Tasks & Ideas
Steps for the Classroom when working with Inventions, Creations, Tasks and Ideas
Integrating Projects and SALF - One Teacher's Experience
Supporting Exceptionally Able Children
My Progress Sheet
Record of Work
Designing a Cover
SALF and Digital Learning
Digital Leaning - Information for Schools
Resources for Schools
Module 5: Developing SALF as a Whole school Initiative
Self-Assessment in Today's Classroom in enabling the Child's voice
Resource's and Ideas from the Junior Cycle
The Child's Voice
Children's Voices in Action
SALF and the School Self-Evaluation Process
How SALF fits S.S.E.
Use of SALF to enhance S.S.E.
Exemplars of using SALF to support SSE
Developing SALF with Teachers
SALF and the role of the Special Education Teacher
Benefits of Involving Parents in the SALF process
Reporting Progress to Parents
Using SALF with Parents
A Parent's Perspective
Parent and Child Sharing Learning
SALF Resources to Support Parents
A Continuum of Assessment Methods
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